Ranging from 4 Joules to 100 Joules (standard: 12 J). Available in various sizes & designs. Ex-proof HEA Igniter also available. Available in 110V AC / 230V AC / 24V DC.
Read moreAvailable in both designs, single bend & double bend. Available in various sizes (standard length: 12 feet).
Read moreAvailable in various designs. Shunted surface semiconductor pin connection to Spark Rod.
Read moreIt can be welded directly onto the burner front plate, providing support to HEA Spark Rod.
Read moreThe HEA (High Energy Pulsed ARC) Ignition System is designed to ignite a variety of fuels ranging from high speed diesel to heavy fuel oil and gases. The equipment produces high intensity electrical sparks which readily ignite the oil/gases particles surrounding the spark, thus creating a flame pocket in the oil spray required for a successful ignition. TruFire HEA Igniter is used for direct spark ignition of oil, gas igniters and all type of burners
The Energy output of the Igniter which refers to the energy of each spark is rated in joules. The Standard Power Pack of 12 Joules produces about 4-6 sparks per second. The HEA Spark Tip is a self-cleaning highly reliable and maintenance free product. The intermittence can range from 3 to 16 sparks per seconds and each spark can have an energy ranging of 4 to 30 joules, which can be preset according to specific requirement. However, we have successfully tested the Igniter System up to 100 Joules in our Testing Lab.
The HEA Igniter System consists of five major Components:-